Curriculum and Outline of Courses FOR
M.A. History Part I & Part II Examination
(Revised and Updated)
this pages last updated 3 may 2019
Department of History University of the Punjab,
Quaid-i-Azam Campus, Lahore.
Curriculum Summary
Curriculum for M.A HISTORY PART1
There will be five core courses of 100 marks each.
Course HIS/501 Early History of Islam 100
Course HIS/502 Research Methodology & Historiography 100
Course HIS/503 State and Society in Muslim India 1206-1707 100
Course HIS/504 Muslim Struggle for Independence 1858-1947 100
Course HIS/505 Government & Politics in Pakistan 1947-1999 100
Total: 500
Curriculum for M.A HISTORY Part 2
There will be five specialized groups of courses and the candidates will select any one of the following groups :
Group ‘A’ History of lndo-Pakistan
Course HIS/601 Ancient India 100
Course HIS/602 Muslim Rule in India (712-1526) 100
Course HIS/603 The Great Mughals (1526-1707) 100
Course HIS/604 Later Mughals & British India(1707-1857) 100
Course HIS/605 The Punjab in Modern Times 100
Group ‘B’ Islamic History
Course HIS/606 Umayyads and Abbasides 100
Course HIS/607 Muslim Rule in Spain 100
Course HIS/608 The Ottoman Empire (1288-1924) 100
Course HIS/609 Central Asia 100
Course HIS/610 Contemporary Middle East 100
Group ‘C’ Western History
Course HIS/611 Early Modern Europe (1453-1789) 100
Course HIS/612 Modern Europe (1789-1919) 100
Course HIS/613 History of England (1688-1919) 100
Course HIS/614 United States after Second World War 100
Course HIS/615 International Relations and Organizations 100
A student with the approval of the Board of Studies in History may opt for writing a thesis in lieu of two courses of the group, he/she has selected. Only those students shall be eligible to apply for theses who have either obtained First Division in B.A. examination or First Division in the subject of history in B.A. examination or got at least 55% marks in M.A. History Part-I Examination. A candidate who is permitted to write thesis shall be required to select his/her topic of research in the area or group she/he has opted for in M.A. Part-II or in any of the courses studied in M.A. Part-I.
Inter University Course Curriculum Committee
in the subjects of History and Pakistan Studies
1. Prof. Dr. S. Qalb-i-Abid
Chairman: Department of History,University of the Punjab. Lahore.
2. Prof. Dr. Khurram Qadir
Department of History.Bahaudin Zakriya University, Multan.
3. Prof. Dr. Asif Ali Rizvi.
Chairman.Department of History,Islamia University, Bahawalpur.
4. Prof. Dr. Tahir Kamran
Department of History,Government College University.Lahore.
5. Prof. Dr. Sahibzada Abdur Rasool,
Department of History,University of Sargodha,Sargodha.
6. Prof. Dr. Massarrat Abid,
Director, Pakistan Study Centre,University of the Punjab, Lahore.
7. Syed Qamar Abbas,
Department of History,University of the Punjab.Lahore.
8. Muhammad Iqbal Chawla,
Department of History University of the Punjab Lahore.
9. Mr. Ghulam Ghaus
Department of Pakistan Studies Govt. College University,Faisalabad
10. Mr. Faraz Anjurn
Department of History, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
1. Introduction:
History deals with the record of the past. However, it is not just a plain record but rather the construction, interpretation and evaluation of the past, which is the subject matter of history. As the past, present and the future are inextricably linked, the importance of history cannot be denied. The true dissemination of historical knowledge is therefore a pre-requisite for a nation’s development. That is the reason that from ancient times, the teaching of history at all levels has remained an essential part of the curricula of the Universities. In the University of the Punjab, M.A. History Programme was first introduced in 1933. Since its introduction, three quarters of a century ago, this Programme and its syllabi were modified at different times. However, for a number of years, the need had been felt to completely review the Programme and update it according to the changing needs of the time and according to the modern teaching-learning strategies.
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