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Moon-lit Night is always beautiful and charming. Every one like to have a walk in a moon-lit night. One day we set out after meals to have a stroll near the fields. It was a hot summer evening and it was difficult to go to sleep. The wind was very faint and it being a full moon night and as bright as bright almost a day. We were irresistibly drawn to walk a little before lying down for sleep. Near our house there are fields through which a road runs leading to gardens beyond. We decided to go to garden.

Everything was looking beautiful in moon lit. Here and there on our path we had trees. Which were thickly covered with leaves in their summer's luxuriance. As we passed under one of them we felt our hands feet and clothes were daubed thick with patches of light and darkness. What accurate reflections and shadows light throws through the openings in leaves and other things. I had now perceived for the first time. I was very happy to see all this.

When we looked back towards the small town the white and black walls and the tops of the tall houses of the rich aand the spires of the mosques gave it a look of a sleeping city a city of mysterious unearthly beings. Nothing was stirring but everything presented an impression of impenetrable silence. A few lights were twinkling from windows and house tops. And a few dim figures could be seen to move but of a sudden it ap-appeared the moonlight had converted that dull and grey town let into a supremely suggestive city It gave the look of a magical city.

There were fields ahead of us. The fields mostly lying fallow. Presented a dim and shadowy expanse. The trees were standing at intervals like ghostly sentinels. The white road ran lie a line of chalk over the sandy earth. And at a distance could be seen a well with the long bar of a Persian wheel stretching right over it. Neat it was some kind of a cottage where the farmer rested in the day. We went to it.

For a while we took rest there. The whole place around us desolate. We did not feel like talking and disturbing that deep loneliness with the intrusion of a human voice. A calf was sitting near us. Evidently thirsty I and y friend pushed the wheel bar and pulled out a little water for the calf. Which eagerly drank it. Then we sat again. The breeze was now rising and with its movement here and there the sand in the fields began to be disturbed. The shadows of the Neem tree also began to shake. We felt we could now get sleep without much pain. So we came back home.