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essay on Muharram

When we turn the history pages back we find great sacrifices of the nations but the greatest sacrifice for the cause of Islam was offered by Hazrat Iman Hussain (A.S). Muharram reminds us the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (A.S) the grand son of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). The event which took place in Muharram is unforgettable.

The story is that Yazid the Caliph of Damacus was an ambitious man and he did not like to see the direct descendants of the Holy Prophet claiming any rival position to him. He troubled Imam Hussain (A.S) in many ways till a war broke out which lasted a long time. Eventually Imam Hussain (A.S) died in the field of Karbala. He was kept without food and water for several days and this makes the tradegy more painful.

It lasts for ten days in which the death of Imam Hussain (A.S) the hero is mourned by pious Muslims. They sing funeral songs elegies lamenting the death of Imam Hussain (A.S) and spend their time in weeping and wailing. Alms are distributed among the poor and cold sweetened drinks are specially supplied to the thirsty. Most of the people visit graves and offer fateha.

On the tenth day huge bamboo structures covered with colored pieces of cloth of various designs are carried in solemn procession through the town and buries outside. Where a big meal is held. The structures called taziahs are sometimes made of wood and ivory also anda are very costly. They represent the tomb of Imam Hussain (A.S) in Karbala. The procession is composed of mourners. Who remembering the martyrdom of the holy hero are filled with great spiritual anguish. They revere the Taziahs or Taboots. The worshippers precede these Taziahs repeating in a very excited manner the name of Imam Hussain (A.S). In this way they go from one place to another.

But unfortunately people forget the importance of these occasions. On those occasions when there would be peace and good will among all riots break out as a result of religious fanaticism.Through the mourning in honour of Imam Hussain (A.S) is observed by al sections of Muslims. Yet the Taziahs are the symbols of worship only among the Shias. Quarrels break out among shias and sunnis and ahli hadith Shias riots also occur in some places on those occasions. People should learn religious tolerance and help one another in observing all religious ceremonies. They must keep in mind that they believe in one God. One Prophet (PBUH) and one book. That is why they are one. They must show this unity among their ranks.