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Essays About Myself | The Happiest Day of My Life
Life is always full of accidents and incidents. Some incidents are pleasant and some of them are horrible. But a good deed always gives us true pleasure. Man is happy whenever he thinks of it. He never forgets it because these things do not take place every day. About a year ago I was walking quietly to college in the morning along with two friends.

Near college there is a railway crossing and when a train is due to cross the road the gates are closed and we have to wait till it has gone past. As we approached on that morning we saw the gates were closed and heard a train approaching the morning Khyber Mail So we walked slowly knowing that we would have to wait. Just beside the crossing there are one or two poor houses. In one we had often seen two small boys about two years old.

I should say and so alike that I think they must have been twins. That morning as we reached the gate. I heard a woman give a loud scream and there to our horror we saw that the two little fellows sitting together between the rails right in the path of the approaching train. There was the mother holding on the bars of the gate and screaming. Now I do not think I am a very brave of heroic sort of fellow and actually I did not think anything at all. My brain refused to help me.

But curiously enough I found that my legs and arms were working by themselves. Like a machine I vaulted over the barred gate with two quick movement and down on to the side of the rails. The train by this time was no more than twenty five yards away and whistling very loudly. I sprang between the rails gripped one lad by the arm and the other by the leg and with a great effort so rang across to the other side. As we all fell in a heap on the other side a strong wing hit me as the train dashed past with roar. An old biscuit box with which they had been playing was thrown high in the air I stood up then my knees trembling and a sick feeling in my stomach.

The whole thing took less time than I have taken to tell it. For quite some time I stood motionless wondering at the thing which I had done. I thought that it was from God Side. He gave me strength and courage to save the life of those poor babies. Had I delayed for a minute they would have been crushed under the wheel of the train. There was a great slapping me on the back and the Headmaster mention of it before all the college. I was given a special prize at the end of the year. But I do not think my great happiness came from the fuss that people or from the prize. It was rather that I had by good fortune been able to same lives and found a new confidence in myself.