World Organizations General Knowledge MCQS Set 5

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World Organizations General Knowledge MCQS

Where is the headquarter of world Meteorological organization?
New Delhi

Through which treaty was east African Development Bank originally establish:
None of the above
Treaty for African Unity, 1968
Treaty for east African Co-operation 1967
Treaty for African co-operation, 1965

NATO was founded with the aim of increasing ability of West to resist the threat of
Communist Block
None of them
Asian Block
Turkey Block

When was The United Nations Declaration signed?
1st December, 1949
1st October, 1945
1st November, 1946
1st January, 1942

Which is the original trust territory under the Trusteeship System?
Western Samva

What are the aims of International Monetary fund?
To assist in the removal of exchange restricting and the establishment of a multilateral system of Payment
To Promote international monetary co- operation
The expansion of international trade and exchange rate stability
All the above

On what basis,important matters of the UN are decided:
Majority vote
Economic power countries vote
Minority vote
Absolute vote

Who elects ten non-permanent members of the security council?
UN General assembly
All the above
UN Development countries

Which country was a major donor in financing the SAARC?
Sri Lanka

What global organization was founded in the Treaty of Versailles and Sought to guarantee global peace through collective security?
League of Nations
United Nations
Freedom House

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