11th Principles of Economics MCQS Chapter 9

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11th Principles of Economics MCQS

Method of measuring national income
National income= Net national product – indirect taxes + subsidies
National income= Net national product – Indirect costs
National income= Net national product + subsidies
National income=Gross national product – depreciation allowance

What is deducted from the GNP to get GDP
Indirect tax
Depreciation allowances
Transnfer payments
Net income received from abroad

Disposable personal income means
Total of incomes
Income of an industry after fulfilling all the needs
Save income of a person after the payment of the taxes
After paying personal taxes, income of the people who provide factors of production

National income means the income
Which provincial government earn during a year
Which central government earns during a year
Total wealth of a country
Rewards which the factors of production get during a year

Which thing should be added in net national product to get gross national product
Depreciation allowance
Indirect taxes
Direct taxes

Which one of the following is not called Gross national product
Composite national product
Joint national product
All the three
Economic national product

Net national product is found by
Subtracting tax from gross national product
Subtracting depreciation allowance from gross national product
Subtracting subsidies from gross national product
Subtracting transfer payments form gross national product

One of the following precautions is not included in measurement of national income by product method
To subtract indirect taxes
To include subsidies
To subtract depreciation allowance
Not to include transfer payments

Which is subtracted from gross national product to find gross domestic product
Transfer payments
Net income received from foreign sources
Depreciation allowance
Indirect taxes

After deducting direct tax from personal income, it is called
National income
personal income
per capital income
Disposable personal income

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