11th Principles of Economics MCQS Chapter 10

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11th Principles of Economics MCQS

Kinds of credit money are
Verbal promise and written promise
Cheque & Drafts
Share of Companies
Govt. securities & debentures

One of the following is not monetary measure to control inflation
Open market operation
To create constant situation
Increase in ratio of reserve capital
Increase in bank rate

The paper notes which can not be converted in gold, silver, or foreign exchange, are called
Convertible paper money
Inconvertible paper money
Legal tender money
Standard money

It was impossible under barter system
Lack of coincidence of wants
Divisibility of some goods in small parts
Lack of common measure of value
Solution of all the said problems

Convertible paper money is issued by
Central bank
Central government
Industrial bank
Commercial bank

One of the following is not the cause of inflation
Increase in cost of production
Increase in demand for goods
Increase in quantity of money
Increase in supply of goods

Which one of the following does not exist during deflation
Supply of goods and services increases from their demand
Value of money increases
Level of employment increases
Production decreases

Central bank
Industrial bank
Commercial bank
Central government

When there is deflation, then prices
Remain constant
do not change

During inflation increase
Inequality of income


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